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Monday, August 6, 2018

Training Django Python Web Development

Django Python Web Development


Syllabus Overview

Class Type : Training
Duration : 4 Day (09.00 – 16.00)
Venue  & Price : Click Here ,
Registration : Click Here

Description :
If you work with Python, the chances are good you need internet-connected data that stored securely and is reliable. This is where Django comes in. Django is a web-framework that can handle all of your data and handle it better than any web framework out there.

Django is the #1 Web Framework for Python for a reason: it's easy enough for the beginners and yet powerful enough for the pros. Instagram uses Python by way of Django. So does Pinterest. And Nasa. And Mozilla. It may not be the only technology that they use but its... the backbone of them all.

If Python is the future behind underlying technology, Django will be it's close cousin and if you love Python, Django will soon become your friend.
Goals :
Understand with The fundamentals of Django
URL Routing
Basic Database Integration
Querying the Database
Saving data in the database
Best practices in Django
Creating User Profiles
Data Feeds
Registration & Activation
Setup Email to Send in Django
Django Forms
Form Validation
Django & The Python Shell
Integrating Bootstrap (only basics) to Django
Building an Internal Search Engine
Follow Buttons

Prerequisites : Understanding of the Python Programming Language (strongly recommended)
Participants : Anyone who wants to build web applications with Python Entrepreneurs looking to build a base of coding skills Programmers looking into breaking into Python

Topics include:
                    Welcome to Try Django
                    Welcome to Try Django
                    Getting Started with Django
                    For your Reference
                    What Django Does
                    HTML & Django
                    Rendering HTML
                    Render a Django Template
                    Context in Django Templates
                    Template Inheritance
                    Include Template Tag
                    Reactivate Virtualenv
                    Class Based Views
                    Template View
                    Remembering Things
                    Remembering things with Models
                    More on Model Fields
                    Displaying Saved Data
                    Understanding QuerySets
                    Generic List View
                    Restaurant Profile Detail
                    SlugField & Unique Slug Generator
                    Signal for Unique Slug
                    Forms, Views, Models, and More
                    Slugs as URL Params
                    Get Single Items from the DB
                    Saving Data the Hard + Wrong Way
                    The Power of Django Forms
                    The Extra Power of Django Model Forms
                    Simple + Effective Validation
                    Letting Users own Data
                    Associate User to Form Data in FBV
                    Associate User to Data in Class Based View
                    Login Required to View
                    Using Reverse to Shortcut URLS
                    Menu Items App
                    Menu Items Views
                    Limiting Form Field to QuerySet
                    Personalize Items
                    User Profile View
                    Style Profile with Bootstrap
                    Adding a Robust Search
                    Handling Users & Followers
                    Follow Users
                    Follow Button Form
                    Following Home Page Feed
                    Register View
                    Activation Keys
                    Final Steps
                    Watch & Go Live
Participants :   Web application development, python programmer )

Speaker  : Purnama Academy Trainer

#djangotraining  #silabusdjangopython  #silabupythons #jadwalpelatihan #jakarta  #bandung  #bali  

Training | Pelatihan | Bandung
Tel/Whatsapp : 0838-0838-0001
Bandung - Jawa Barat

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