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Tuesday, July 21, 2020


TRAINING IT OUTSOURCING MANAGEMENT tersedia di Purnama Academy 083808380001, silahkan hubungi tim sales kami untuk mendapatkan detail materi, paket, metode dan biaya training Managing IT Outsourcing

IT Outsourcing Management Framework Based on ITIL V3

Durations : 3 Days (09.00 – 16.00)
IT Outsourcing Management Framework Based on ITIL Due to rapidly advances in technology, increasingly demands for IT applications and the inadequate supply of internal IT personnel, many organizations have looked for outside providers to effective product delivery and also to remain competitive. Therefore the need for governance in outsourcing relationships is undisputed. On the other hand service recipients and service providers have some difficulties to manage their outsourcing relationships. So in this paper, we would identify the main problems and challenges related to IT outsourcing. In addition, we will determine the ITIL V3 processes which are suitable and adaptable for outsourcing management. Then at the final stage a framework will be suggested which is arisen from the ITIL V3 framework. This framework would illustrate the practical processes and stages which are helpful in managing IT outsourcing resources

What you'll learn
-      You will learn how to manage your IT Outsourcing using ITIL V.3 Outsource Toolkit

-      NO prior knowledge is required

Who this course is for
-      IT Manager
-      IT Governance

-      introducing the outsourcing
-      Introducing IT Governance, ITSM
-      IT Outsourcing Relationships

-      Outsourcing Definitions
-      Benefits & Chalenges
-      IT Outsourcing Strategies
-      IT Outsourcing Governance

Understanding of ITIL V.3 Lifecycle
-      Service Strategy
-      Service Design
-      Service Transition
-      Service Operation
-      Continual Service Improvement

IT Oursource Case Analysis
-      Reasons of outsourcing project
-      Benefits gain by outsourcing
-      Problems of using outsourcing
-      Time to solve any downtime problem by outsourcing company
-      Level satisfaction of outsourcing service

ITIL V.3 – IT Outsource Problems, Process and Function Alignment
-      Downtime Problem
-      Recurring same problem
-      Cost Problem
-      Misunderstanding of the contract statement.
-      Misunderstanding of the requirements.
-      Effective plan to manage the relationship with outsourcer.
-      How to manage project when requirement change.
-      Reduce additional cost and time when changes occur.
-      Security problem when conducting with outsourcers
-      Conduct, Control & Monitoring
-      Conclusions


MONGODB DEVELOPER TRAINING tersedia di Purnama Academy 083808380001.Berikut Silabus Training MONGODB Developer

DURATIONS : 5 DAYS (09.00-15.00)
MongoDB is one of the most important NoSQL databases you can work with these days. It's extremely popular and MongoDB developers are in high demand.
No matter if you're building web applications, mobile applications or any other kind of application or if you're a data scientist - you'll need to work with data. Storing data, querying it efficiently and minimizing complexities whilst optimizing performance are crucial tasks.
MongoDB makes working with data simple - it's built on a philosophy that prioritizes performance and efficiency.
In this course, you'll learn all about MongoDB from scratch. No prior MongoDB or database experience is required!

What you'll learn
Use MongoDB to its full potential in future projects
Write efficient and well-performing queries to fetch data in the format you need it
Use all features MongoDB offers you to work with data efficiently
In detail, you'll learn
>>  how to install and use MongoDB locally and in the cloud (MongoDB Atlas)
>>  how to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on MongoDB databases
>>  how to filter for data efficiently
>>  how to work with both the Mongo Shell and drivers (e.g. Node.js driver)
>>  how to increase performance by using indexes (and how to use the right indexes!)
>>  how to use the amazing "Aggregation Framework" that's built into MongoDB
>>  what replica sets and sharding are
>>  how to use MongoDB Atlas - the cloud solution offered by MongoDB
>>  how to use the serverless platform (Stitch) offered by MongoDB
>>  and much more!

·         NO prior knowledge on databases (of any kind) is required
·         General web development or mobile development knowledge will help you but is not a must-have
·         You can use any operating system - Windows, macOS, Linux, it'll all work!
·         This course is a hands-on course - you'll learn by writing code/ commands. We'll work on a wide variety of example data and use-cases and by the end of the course, you'll have all the knowledge you need to work with MongoDB in your next project!
·         This course is for you, no matter which programming language you plan on using, you'll learn a uniform way of interacting with MongoDB that can be easily applied to any language.

This course is for you
>>  if you're brand-new to MongoDB and databases in general
>>  if you got some basic database or even MongoDB experience - in this course, there are different entry points you can choose from!
>>  if you are a web or mobile app (or desktop app) developer who considers using MongoDB
>>  if you're working in a team that considers using MongoDB (or already does use it)
>>  if you are primarily using SQL-based databases so far and you want to explore the most popular NoSQL alternative

This course is NOT for you
>>  if you're looking for a guide on administrating MongoDB servers => This course focuses on the commands/ queries you write, it's NOT an administration course

Who this course is for
·         Developers or data scientists who plan on (or are already) working with MongoDB
·         Everyone who's interested in NoSQL databases
·         Both beginner and advanced MongoDB users who want to explore all the core features

Course content
·         Introduction
·         What is MongoDB?
·         The Key MongoDB Characteristics (and how they differ from SQL Databases)
·         Understanding the MongoDB Ecosystem
·         Installing MongoDB
·         MongoDB Installation FAQ + Support
·         Time To Get Started!
·         Shell vs Drivers
·         MongoDB + Clients The Big Picture
·         Course Outline
·         How To Get The Most Out Of The Course

Understanding the Basics & CRUD Operations
·         Module Introduction
·         Understanding Databases, Collections & Documents
·         The Shell & MongoDB Drivers for Different Languages
·         Creating Databases & Collections
·         Understanding JSON Data
·         Comparing JSON & BSON
·         Create, Read, Update, Delete (CRUD) & MongoDB
·         Finding, Inserting, Deleting & Updating Elements
·         Understanding "insertMany()"
·         Diving Deeper Into Finding Data
·         "update" vs "updateMany()"
·         Understanding "find()" & the Cursor Object
·         Understanding Projection
·         Embedded Documents & Arrays - The Theory
·         Working with Embedded Documents
·         Working with Arrays
·         Accessing Structured Data
·         Time to Practice - The Basics & CRUD Operations

Schemas & Relations How to Structure Documents 
·         Resetting Your Database
·         Module Introduction
·         Why Do We Use Schemas?
·         Structuring Documents
·         Data Types - An Overview
·         Data Types in Action
·         Data Types & Limits
·         How to Derive your Data Structure - Requirements
·         Understanding Relations
·         One To One Relations - Embedded
·         One To One - Using References
·         One To Many - Embedded
·         One To Many - Using References
·         Many To Many - Embedded
·         Many To Many - Using References
·         Summarizing Relations
·         Using "lookUp()" for Merging Reference Relations
·         Planning the Example Exercise
·         Implementing the Example Exercise
·         Understanding Schema Validation
·         Adding Collection Document Validation
·         Changing the Validation Action

Exploring The Shell & The Server
·         Finding Available Options
·         Setting "dbpath" & "logpath"
·         Exploring the MongoDB Options
·         MongoDB as a Background Service
·         Using a Config File
·         Shell Options & Help

Using the MongoDB Compass to Explore Data Visually
·         Module Introduction
·         Exploring the MongoDB Compass

Diving Into Create Operations
·         Creating Documents - An Overview
·         Understanding "insert()" Methods
·         Working with Ordered Inserts
·         Understanding the "writeConcern"
·         The "writeConcern" in Practice
·         What is Atomicity?
·         Time to Practice - Create Operations
Read Operations - A Closer Look Module Introduction
·         Methods, Filters & Operators
·         Operators - An Overview
·         Query Selectors & Projection Operators
·         Understanding "findOne()" & "find()"
·         Working with Comparison Operators
·         Querying Embedded Fields & Arrays
·         Understanding "$in" and "$nin"
·         "$or" and "$nor"
·         Understanding the "$and" Operator
·         Using "$not"
·         Diving Into Element Operators
·         Working with "$type"
·         Understanding Evaluation Operators - "$regex"
·         Understanding Evaluation Operators - "$expr"
·         Time to Practice - Read Operations
·         Diving Deeper Into Querying Arrays
·         Using Array Query Selectors - "$size"
·         Using Array Query Selectors - "$all"
·         Using Array Query Selectors - "$elemMatch"
·         Time to Practice - Array Query Selectors
·         Understanding Cursors
·         Applying Cursors
·         Sorting Cursor Results
·         Skipping & Limiting Cursor Results
·         Using Projection to Shape our Results
·         Using Projection in Arrays
·         Understanding "$slice"
·         Useful Resources & Links

Update Operations
·         Updating Fields with "updateOne()", "updateMany()" and "$set"
·         Updating Multiple Fields with "$set"
·         Incrementing & Decrementing Values
·         Using "$min", "$max" and "$mul"
·         Getting Rid of Fields
·         Renaming Fields
·         Understanding "upsert()"
·         Updating Matched Array Elements
·         Updating All Array Elements
·         Finding & Updating Specific Fields
·         Adding Elements to Arrays
·         Removing Elements from Arrays
·         Understanding "$addToSet"
Understanding Delete Operations
·         Understanding "deleteOne()" & "deleteMany()"
·         Deleting All Entries in a Collection

·         Working with Indexes
·         What Are Indexes & Why Do We Use Them?
·         Adding a Single Field Index
·         Indexes Behind the Scenes
·         Understanding Index Restrictions
·         Creating Compound Indexes
·         Using Indexes for Sorting
·         Understanding the Default Index
·         Configuring Indexes
·         Understanding Partial Filters
·         Applying the Partial Index
·         Understanding the Time-To-Live (TTL) Index
·         Query Diagnosis & Query Planning
·         Understanding Covered Queries
·         How MongoDB Rejects a Plan
·         Using Multi-Key Indexes
·         Understanding Text Indexes
·         Text Indexes & Sorting
·         Creating Combined Text Indexes
·         Using Text Indexes to Exclude Words
·         Setting the Default Language & Using Weights

Working with Geospatial Data
·         Module Introduction
·         Adding GeoJSON Data
·         Running Geo Queries
·         Adding a Geospatial Index to Track the Distance
·         Adding Additional Locations
·         Finding Places Inside a Certain Area
·         Finding Out If a User Is Inside a Specific Area
·         Finding Places Within a Certain Radius
·         Time to Practice - Geospatial Data

Understanding the Aggregation Framework
·         What is the Aggregation Framework?
·         Getting Started with the Aggregation Pipeline
·         Using the Aggregation Framework
·         Understanding the Group Stage
·         Diving Deeper Into the Group Stage
·         Time to Practice - The Aggregation Framework
·         Working with $project
·         Turning the Location Into a geoJSON Object
·         Transforming the Birthdate
·         Using Shortcuts for Transformations
·         Understanding the $isoWeekYear Operator
·         $group vs $project
·         Pushing Elements Into Newly Created Arrays
·         Understanding the $unwind Stage
·         Eliminating Duplicate Values
·         Using Projection with Arrays
·         Getting the Length of an Array
·         Using the $filter Operator
·         Applying Multiple Operations to our Array
·         Understanding $bucket
·         Diving Into Additional Stages
·         How MongoDB Optimizes Your Aggregation Pipelines
·         Writing Pipeline Results Into a New Collection
·         Working with the $geoNear Stage

Working with Numeric Data
·         Number Types - An Overview
·         MongoDB Shell & Data Types
·         Understanding Programming Language Defaults
·         Working with int
·         Working with int
·         Doing Maths with Floats ints & ints
·         What's Wrong with Normal Doubles?
·         Working with Decimal bit

MongoDB & Security
·         Module Introduction
·         Understanding Role Based Access Control
·         Creating a User
·         Assigning Roles to Users & Databases
·         Updating & Extending Roles to Other Databases
·         Time to Practice - Security
·         Adding SSL Transport Encryption
·         Encryption at REST

Performance, Fault Tolerancy & Deployment
·         What Influences Performance?
·         Understanding Capped Collections
·         What are Replica Sets?
·         Understanding Sharding
·         Deploying a MongoDB Server
·         Using MongoDB Atlas
·         Backups & Setting Alerts in MongoDB Atlas
·         Connecting to our Cluster

·         What are Transactions?
·         A Typical Usecase
·         How Does a Transaction Work?

From Shell to Driver
·         Splitting Work Between the Driver & the Shell
·         Preparing our Project
·         Installing Visual Studio Code
·         Installing the Node.js Driver
·         Connecting Node.js & the MongoDB Cluster
·         Storing Products in the Database
·         Storing the Price as bit Decimal
·         Fetching Data From the Database
·         Creating a More Realistic Setup
·         Getting a Single Product
·         Editing & Deleting Products
·         Implementing Pagination
·         Adding an Index
·         Signing Users Up
·         Adding an Index to Make the Email Unique
·         Adding User Sign In

Introducing Stitch
·          Module Introduction
·         Stitch & MongoDB Realm
·         What is Stitch?
·         Preparations
·         Start Using Stitch
·         Adding Stitch to our App & Initializing It
·         Adding Authentication
·         Sending Data Access Rules
·         Fetching & Converting Data
·         Deleting Products
·         Finding a Single Product
·         Adding Products
·         Updating Products
·         Switching to User Email & Password Authentication
·         Adding User Sign Up & Confirmation
·         Adding User Login
·         Rules & Real Users
·         The Current State of Authentication
·         Functions & Triggers

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