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Wednesday, June 9, 2021


Apakah TOGAF ? . Open Group Architectural Framework (TOGAF) pertama kali dikembangkan pada tahun 1995 dan didasarkan pada Kerangka Arsitektur Teknis Departemen Pertahanan untuk Manajemen Informasi. TOGAF berfokus pada aplikasi bisnis missioncritical yang menggunakan blok bangunan sistem terbuka. "Elemen kunci TOGAF adalah Metode Pengembangan Arsitektur (ADM) yang menentukan proses untuk mengembangkan arsitektur perusahaan". TOGAF menjelaskan aturan untuk mengembangkan prinsip-prinsip yang baik, daripada menyediakan seperangkat prinsip arsitektur. Tiga tingkat prinsip mendukung pengambilan keputusan di seluruh perusahaan, memberikan bimbingan sumber daya TI, dan mendukung prinsip arsitektur untuk pengembangan dan implementasi. 
Anda bisa dapat mengikuti pelatihan / Training TOGAF PART 2 di Purnama Academy dengan materi silabus sebagaimana berikut ini :

TOGAF 9.2 PART 2 Certified Enterprise Architect

Duration              : 2 Days (09.00 – 16.00)


Description :

The Open Group has defined a free and public standard for this method for almost 10 years now, and over 400 companies and government agencies have been involved in crafting that standard. It is called TOGAF - The Open Group Architecture Framework.

If you are a software developer, this is your chance to learn the proper techniques for assessing the requirements of an enterprise, and designing the right solutions for today and tomorrow

Specifically, this course will teach you:

·         The details of the TOGAF 9.1 Certified Part 2 exam (OG0-092), including how to book it, and my experiences taking the exam

·         How to apply advanced concepts of TOGAF

·         Every requirement of the exam covered in its own lesson

·         The key deliverables of the ADM

·         Customizing the TRM and III-RM for use

What you'll learn :

·         Pass the TOGAF 9.1 Part 2 Exam

·         Understand the advanced topics of the TOGAF specification

·         Know how to apply the parts of TOGAF to your architecture work

·         Know how to apply iteration with the ADM

Who this course is for:

·         Enterprise architects, of all levels

·         People wishing to get into enterprise architecture

·         Anyone who wants to pass the TOGAF 9 certification exam


Prerequisites :

·         Not needed to have passed Part 1, but must understand the TOGAF model

·         An interest in enterprise architecture and how business systems are designed

Details :


About TOGAF 9.2 Part 2

·         TOGAF 9.2 Review

·         Introduction

TOGAF . Specification for Part 2 lectures • 

·         The Role of the ADM in Change Management

·         Applying the ADM Phases to Enterprise Architecture

·         Applying Architecture Governance

·         Applying the Architecture Content Framework

·         Applying the Concept of Building Blocks

·         Applying the Stakeholder Management Technique

·         Applying the TOGAF Content Metamodel

·         Customizing the Technical Reference Model (TRM)

·         Customizing the III-RM

·         Half Way Mark

Advanced Topics for TOGAF Part 2  lectures • 

·         Key Deliverables of the ADM Cycle

·         Key Deliverables of the ADM Cycle Part I

·         Key Deliverables of the ADM Cycle Part II

·         Key Deliverables of the ADM Cycle Part III

·         Partitioning Enterprise Architecture

·         The Purpose of the Architecture Repository

·         Iteration

·         Adapting the ADM for Security

·         Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

·         Architecture Maturity Models

·         Architecture Skills Framework


Exam Practice

Informasi dan pendaftaran training TOGAF Part 2 silahkan hubungi Call/whatsapp tim sales Purnama Academy di 0838-0838-0001


TOGAF atau The Open Group Architecture Framework adalah suatu kerangka kerja arsitektur perusahaan yang memberian pendekatan komprehensif untuk desain, perencanaan, implementasi, dan tata kelola arsitektur informasi perusahaan. Purnama Academy IT & Management Training menyediakan training TOGAF 9.2 Part 1 di jakarta, bandung, surabaya, dan berbagai kota lainnya di Indonesia dengan metode online, offline atau inhouse training



Duration              : 3 Days (09.00 – 16.00)


Description :

This course helps you become certified in the TOGAF 9.2 specification. Through learning the Architecture Development Method (ADM), you will become better at designing systems. If you already architect software for a living, learning an official enterprise architecture framework such as this takes you to the next level of your career.

You owe it to yourself:

If you are a software developer, this is your chance to learn the proper techniques for assessing the requirements of an enterprise, and designing the right solutions for today and tomorrow! While software development is skill any teenager can acquire, and the salaries paid to software developers fall or are frozen, it's those who know the complex skills of designing large software projects that will still be in high demand.

Specifically, this course will teach you:

The details of the TOGAF 9.2 Foundation exam (OG0-091), including how to book it, and my experiences taking the exam

The basic and core skills of the TOGAF framework

The Architecture Development Method (ADM), all of the phases, and the key information to know to pass the exam

Other topics covered on the exam, including Architecture Governance, Architecture Capacity, Enterprise Continuum, Capability Assessment, and reference frameworks such as TRM and III-RM

What you'll learn :

·         Learn the TOGAF 9.2 ADM method for Enterprise Architecture

·         Understand the basic and core concepts of the TOGAF standard

·         Pass the TOGAF 9 Foundations certification exam, Level 1

Who this course is for:

·         Enterprise architects, of all levels

·         People wishing to get into enterprise architecture

·         Anyone who wants to pass the TOGAF 9 certification exam


Prerequisites :

·         Some experience solving problems at the enterprise level, although familiarity with TOGAF is not required

·         A willingness to do the work to get the results


·         What is Enterprise Architecture?

·         The TOGAF Certification for People

·         The TOGAF . Standard

·         Overview of Core Concepts

·         Definition of Enterprise

·         The Four Architecture Domains - BDAT

·         BDAT Quiz

·         Architecture Development Method - ADM

·         Architecture Work Products - Deliverables, Artifacts and Building Blocks

·         Enterprise Continuum

·         Architecture Repository

·         Architecture Capability

·         Core Concepts Quiz


The ADM • 

·         Introduction to the ADM

·         ADM Cycle

·         Preliminary Phase

·         Phase A - Architecture Vision

·         ADM Quiz Preliminary and Phase A

·         Phase B - Business Architecture

·         Phase C - Information Systems Architecture

·         Phase C - Data Architecture

·         Phase C - Application Architecture

·         Phase D - Technology Architecture

·         Phase E - Opportunities and Solutions

·         Phase F - Migration Planning

·         Phase G - Implementation Governance


Continuing with the ADM lectures • 

·         Phase H - Architecture Change Management

·         Requirements Management Phase

·         Final ADM Quiz

ADM Guidelines and Tools lectures • 

·         Introduction to ADM Guidelines and Tools

·         ADM with Architecture Styles

·         Architecture Principles

·         Stakeholder Management

·         Architecture Patterns

·         Business Scenarios

·         Gap Analysis

·         Migration Planning

·         Interoperability

·         Business Readiness Transformation Assessment BRTA

·         Risk Management

·         Capability Planning


Other Important TOGAF Concepts lecture • 

·         Architecture Capability Framework and Architecture Governance


Exam Practice

Pendaftaran atau Informasi detail terkait training TOGAF Part 1 silahkan hubungi tim sales Purnama Academy melalui whatsapp 0838-0838-0001 atau email info@purnamaacademy.com

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