Thursday, September 5, 2024

Ember.js: 4-Day Intensive Training


Ember.js: 4-Day Intensive Training


Ember.js is a robust JavaScript framework that allows developers to build scalable and maintainable single-page applications (SPAs). With its convention-over-configuration philosophy, Ember.js simplifies the development process by providing a powerful set of tools for creating complex applications with minimal boilerplate.

This 4-day intensive training is designed to help developers master Ember.js by exploring its core features, including routing, templates, data handling, and application structure. Participants will gain hands-on experience in building fully functional web applications with a focus on best practices and optimization.

Training Details

  • Duration: 4 Days
  • Time: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM (Each Day)
  • Methods:
    • Public Offline Training
    • Inhouse Training
    • Online via Zoom
  • Contact: For more information and registration, please contact our sales team via WhatsApp at 0838-0838-0001.

Course Syllabus

Day 1: Introduction to Ember.js and Basic Concepts

  • Morning Session:
    • Introduction to Ember.js: Overview and Key Features
    • Setting Up the Ember.js Development Environment
    • Understanding the Ember CLI: Building and Running Ember Applications
    • The Ember.js Architecture: Components, Routes, and Models
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Creating Your First Ember Application
    • Introduction to Ember Templates: Handlebars Syntax
    • Working with Components: Reusable UI Elements in Ember.js
    • Handling Actions and User Input in Ember.js

Day 2: Routing and Data Management

  • Morning Session:
    • Understanding Ember.js Routing and Navigation
    • Defining Routes, Models, and Controllers
    • Using Ember Data: Managing Models and Relationships
    • Working with APIs: Fetching and Displaying Data from a Backend
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Implementing Routing in an Ember Application
    • Querying Data with Ember Data: Adapters, Serializers, and Stores
    • Handling Asynchronous Operations with Promises and Ember Data
    • Error Handling and Debugging in Ember.js

Day 3: Advanced Ember Concepts

  • Morning Session:
    • Advanced Components: Communication Between Components
    • Managing State and Data Flow in Ember Applications
    • Understanding Ember Services: Reusable Logic Across Routes and Components
    • Performance Optimization and Code Organization in Ember.js
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Building a Complex Ember.js Application
    • Managing User Authentication and Authorization
    • Ember.js Best Practices: Structuring Large-Scale Applications
    • Advanced Templating Techniques and Helpers

Day 4: Testing, Deployment, and Optimization

  • Morning Session:
    • Unit Testing and Integration Testing in Ember.js with QUnit
    • Writing Unit Tests for Components, Routes, and Services
    • Debugging and Profiling Ember.js Applications
    • Optimizing Ember.js Applications for Production
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Writing Tests for Ember Applications
    • Minification, Bundling, and Deployment to Production
    • Course Wrap-up: Q&A and Presentation of Certificates

Registration and Contact

For more details or to register for the training, please contact our sales team via WhatsApp at 0838-0838-0001. Training is available through public offline sessions, in-house training, or online via Zoom.

This Ember.js training course is ideal for web developers who are looking to build large-scale, maintainable web applications. Participants will leave the course with a deep understanding of how to leverage Ember.js to create complex, efficient, and robust applications.


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