Thursday, September 5, 2024

IBM Cognos Data Analytics: 4-Day Intensive Training


IBM Cognos Data Analytics: 4-Day Intensive Training


Unlock the full potential of your data with our 4-day intensive training on IBM Cognos Data Analytics, organized by Purnama Academy. This course is designed for data professionals who want to master IBM Cognos, a powerful tool for business intelligence and data analytics, enabling you to create detailed reports, dashboards, and analytics solutions.

Our training is delivered by certified and experienced trainers, providing a hands-on learning environment. Participants will learn how to utilize IBM Cognos for data modeling, report building, and advanced analytics.

Training Details

  • Duration: 4 Days
  • Time: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM (Each Day)
  • Methods:
    • Public Offline Training
    • Inhouse Training
    • Online via Zoom
  • Contact: For more information and registration, please contact our sales team via WhatsApp at 0838-0838-0001.

Course Syllabus

Day 1: Introduction to IBM Cognos and Data Analytics Fundamentals

  • Morning Session:
    • Overview of IBM Cognos Analytics Platform
    • Introduction to Business Intelligence and Data Analytics Concepts
    • Setting Up IBM Cognos Environment and Data Sources
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Navigating the Cognos Interface
    • Creating and Managing Data Models
    • Hands-on Exercise: Building Your First Data Model in IBM Cognos

Day 2: Report Building and Data Visualization

  • Morning Session:
    • Creating Reports with IBM Cognos Report Studio
    • Understanding Data Sources, Queries, and Filters
    • Using Cognos' Data Visualization Tools
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Advanced Report Formatting and Customization
    • Building Interactive Dashboards
    • Hands-on Exercise: Designing and Publishing Reports

Day 3: Advanced Analytics and Performance Management

  • Morning Session:
    • Leveraging Advanced Analytics Features (OLAP Cubes, Predictive Analytics)
    • Working with Multidimensional Data Models
    • Performance Tuning and Optimization in Cognos
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Implementing Data Security and Access Controls
    • Integrating IBM Cognos with Other Data Sources (Databases, Cloud Services)
    • Hands-on Exercise: Implementing an Advanced Analytics Solution

Day 4: Deployment, Monitoring, and Final Project

  • Morning Session:
    • Deploying Cognos Reports and Dashboards
    • Monitoring and Troubleshooting Cognos Applications
    • Automating Report Distribution and Scheduling
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Final Project: Developing a Comprehensive Data Analytics Solution
    • Course Review and Q&A
    • Best Practices and Further Learning Resources

Registration and Contact

To register for the training or for more information, please contact our sales team via WhatsApp at 0838-0838-0001. We offer flexible training options to suit your needs, including public offline sessions, in-house training, or online via Zoom.

This format provides a comprehensive view of what participants can expect from the training, ensuring they gain valuable skills in IBM Cognos Data Analytics. Feel free to modify or add details according to your specific needs.


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