Thursday, September 5, 2024

React Native: 4-Day Intensive Training


React Native: 4-Day Intensive Training


React Native is a popular open-source framework developed by Facebook that allows developers to build mobile applications using JavaScript and React. With React Native, you can create cross-platform mobile apps for both iOS and Android using a single codebase, ensuring consistency across platforms and saving development time.

This 4-day intensive training is designed to help developers master the fundamentals and advanced features of React Native. Participants will learn how to build fully functioning mobile apps, optimize performance, and implement best practices for scalable mobile application development.

Training Details

  • Duration: 4 Days
  • Time: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM (Each Day)
  • Methods:
    • Public Offline Training
    • Inhouse Training
    • Online via Zoom
  • Contact: For more information and registration, please contact our sales team via WhatsApp at 0838-0838-0001.

Course Syllabus

Day 1: Introduction to React Native and Setup

  • Morning Session:
    • Overview of React Native: Features and Benefits
    • Setting Up the Development Environment (Android Studio, Xcode, and Emulators)
    • React Native Architecture: Components, JSX, and Virtual DOM
    • Introduction to Expo for Rapid Development
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Building a Simple "Hello World" Mobile App
    • Working with React Native Components: Text, View, Image, and Button
    • Understanding State and Props in React Native
    • Using the React Native CLI and Debugging Tools

Day 2: Navigation and Styling

  • Morning Session:
    • Implementing Navigation in React Native with React Navigation
    • Managing Screen Transitions and Navigation Stack
    • Styling Components with Flexbox: Layout, Positioning, and Responsive Design
    • Customizing the Appearance of Apps with StyleSheets
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Creating a Multi-Screen App with Navigation
    • Handling User Input with TextInput and Buttons
    • Understanding Platform-Specific Code for iOS and Android
    • Managing Complex Layouts with Flexbox

Day 3: State Management and API Integration

  • Morning Session:
    • Introduction to State Management: Using Hooks (useState, useEffect)
    • Managing Global State with Redux in React Native
    • Fetching Data from APIs with Axios or Fetch API
    • Handling Asynchronous Operations in React Native
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Fetching and Displaying Data from a REST API
    • Implementing Pull-to-Refresh and Infinite Scroll
    • Error Handling and Debugging API Calls
    • Working with Lists: FlatList, SectionList, and ScrollView

Day 4: Advanced Concepts and Deployment

  • Morning Session:
    • Accessing Device Features with React Native Modules (Camera, Geolocation, etc.)
    • Integrating Push Notifications and Local Storage
    • Optimizing React Native Apps for Performance
    • Preparing Apps for App Store and Google Play Deployment
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Building a Fully Functional Mobile App
    • Testing and Debugging React Native Apps
    • Course Wrap-up: Final Project, Q&A, and Certificate Presentation

Registration and Contact

For more details or to register for the training, please contact our sales team via WhatsApp at 0838-0838-0001. Training is available through public offline sessions, in-house training, or online via Zoom.

This React Native training is ideal for web and mobile developers looking to expand their skills in cross-platform mobile application development. By the end of this course, participants will have a solid understanding of React Native and will be able to build and deploy mobile apps with ease.


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