Thursday, September 5, 2024

WordPress Advanced Programming: 4-Day Intensive Training


WordPress Advanced Programming: 4-Day Intensive Training


The WordPress Advanced Programming course dives deeper into WordPress development, covering advanced topics such as custom theme development, plugin creation, and database management. This 4-day intensive training is designed for participants who already have a basic understanding of WordPress and want to enhance their skills in WordPress programming. Participants will learn how to extend WordPress functionality by creating custom themes and plugins, working with hooks, filters, and actions, and integrating external APIs.

This course is ideal for web developers, designers, and anyone looking to customize WordPress beyond its standard features. The training is led by certified and experienced trainers who specialize in WordPress development.

Training Details

  • Duration: 4 Days
  • Time: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM (Each Day)
  • Methods:
    • Public Offline Training
    • Inhouse Training
    • Online via Zoom
  • Contact: For more information and registration, please contact our sales team via WhatsApp at 0838-0838-0001.

Course Syllabus

Day 1: WordPress Development Environment and Theme Customization

  • Morning Session:
    • Setting Up a Local Development Environment for WordPress
    • Introduction to PHP for WordPress Development
    • Advanced Theme Development: Understanding Template Hierarchy and Child Themes
    • Working with the WordPress Loop and Conditional Tags
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Creating a Custom WordPress Theme from Scratch
    • Theme Customization Using the Customizer API
    • Introduction to WordPress Hooks: Actions and Filters

Day 2: Custom Post Types and Taxonomies

  • Morning Session:
    • Creating and Registering Custom Post Types (CPT)
    • Understanding Custom Taxonomies and How to Implement Them
    • Managing Custom Fields Using the Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) Plugin
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Building a Custom Post Type and Taxonomy
    • Displaying Custom Post Types on the Frontend
    • Using Meta Boxes and Custom Fields for Enhanced Content Management

Day 3: WordPress Plugin Development

  • Morning Session:
    • Introduction to Plugin Development: Structure, Best Practices, and Coding Standards
    • Building a Basic Plugin: Creating Widgets, Shortcodes, and Custom Functionality
    • Security Considerations for Plugin Development
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Developing a Custom Plugin
    • Using Hooks and Filters in Plugin Development
    • Case Study: Creating a Functionality Plugin for a WordPress Site

Day 4: API Integration and Database Management

  • Morning Session:
    • Introduction to the WordPress REST API: Reading and Writing Data
    • Integrating External APIs into WordPress (e.g., Social Media, Payment Gateways)
    • Working with the WordPress Database: Queries, Custom Tables, and Optimization
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Creating a Plugin that Interacts with an External API
    • Managing and Optimizing WordPress Database Performance
    • Final Project: Building a Full-Featured WordPress Application
    • Course Review, Q&A, and Presentation of Certificates

Registration and Contact

For more details or to register for the training, please contact our sales team via WhatsApp at 0838-0838-0001. We offer flexible training options, including public offline sessions, in-house training, and online Zoom classes to suit participants' needs.

This WordPress Advanced Programming course equips participants with the skills needed to extend and customize WordPress to meet complex business and development requirements. Participants will leave with the ability to create custom themes, build plugins, and integrate WordPress with external systems, positioning them to tackle advanced WordPress development projects confidently.


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