Thursday, September 5, 2024

Zend Framework Fundamental: 4-Day Intensive Training


Zend Framework Fundamental: 4-Day Intensive Training


Unlock the potential of Zend Framework, a powerful PHP framework widely used for building robust, enterprise-level web applications. This 4-day intensive course is designed for developers who want to master the foundational concepts of Zend Framework and leverage its modular architecture for building scalable and secure web applications. Throughout the course, participants will gain hands-on experience with Zend’s MVC pattern, routing, database interaction, and security features.

Led by certified trainers, this training equips participants with the skills needed to develop professional applications using Zend Framework.

Training Details

  • Duration: 4 Days
  • Time: 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM (Each Day)
  • Methods:
    • Public Offline Training
    • Inhouse Training
    • Online via Zoom
  • Contact: For more information and registration, please contact our sales team via WhatsApp at 0838-0838-0001.

Course Syllabus

Day 1: Introduction to Zend Framework

  • Morning Session:
    • Overview of Zend Framework: Key Features and Use Cases
    • Setting Up a Development Environment: Installing Zend via Composer
    • Understanding MVC (Model-View-Controller) in Zend Framework
    • Working with Zend Skeleton Application: Introduction to Modules and Application Structure
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Setting Up and Configuring a New Zend Application
    • Creating Your First Module: Understanding Zend's Modular Approach
    • Case Study: Building a Simple Web Application with Zend Framework

Day 2: Working with Controllers, Models, and Views

  • Morning Session:
    • Creating Controllers and Action Methods in Zend
    • Developing Models: Interacting with Databases using Zend\Db
    • Creating and Rendering Views: Layout Management and View Scripts
    • Routing and URLs in Zend Framework: Defining Routes and Generating URLs
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Building a CRUD Application Using Zend
    • Implementing Forms and Validations with Zend\Form
    • Case Study: Developing a Multi-functional Web Application with Zend Framework

Day 3: Advanced Features and Security

  • Morning Session:
    • Working with Zend’s Services and Components: Dependency Injection, Event Manager, and Service Manager
    • Securing Zend Applications: Authentication, Authorization, and Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
    • Preventing Common Security Threats: SQL Injection, XSS, and CSRF
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Hands-on Exercise: Implementing Authentication and RBAC in a Zend Application
    • Optimizing Application Performance with Zend’s Caching Mechanisms
    • Case Study: Building a Secure and Efficient Web Application

Day 4: Testing, Debugging, and Deployment

  • Morning Session:
    • Introduction to Zend Testing Tools: Unit Testing, Integration Testing, and Functional Testing
    • Debugging and Error Handling in Zend: Using Zend\Log and Zend\Debug
    • Deployment: Preparing Your Zend Application for Production Environments
  • Afternoon Session:
    • Final Project: Building and Deploying a Complete Zend Framework Application
    • Course Review, Best Practices, and Q&A
    • Certification of Completion: Presentation of Certificates to Participants

Registration and Contact

For more details or to register for the training, please contact our sales team via WhatsApp at 0838-0838-0001. We offer flexible learning options, including public offline training, in-house sessions, and online via Zoom, to suit your convenience.

This syllabus is designed to provide participants with a strong understanding of the Zend Framework, enabling them to develop complex applications with best practices in performance, security, and maintainability.


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